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Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Robot Damashii Heavy Metal L-gaim MK-2

Box back art

I was eagerly anticipating Bandai to release the LGaim mk2 on the soc spec line seeing as how they were able to roll out HM LGaim, but sadly, it seems that idea has been abandoned.. fans were clamoring for the mk2 that it even garnered the no.1 spot at last year's Tamashii Feature's voting polls. I was glad that mk2 won the voting, but sad at the same time knowing that it will not be released in the soc spec line. Well, beggars can't be choosers.. if Bandai is releasing it in plastic Robot Damashii form, I might as well get it until a better version comes along.

I knew right off the bat that it will be small seeing as how the spec lgaim was towering over regular socs, but I was really surprised to find out that the RD LGaim mk 2 was unusually big, considering that most RD's are smaller in size.. It is still not in scale with the spec LGaim but I don't think they look bad together either.

Love the details on mk2's eyes, makes this robot all the more enigmatic.

Power Launcher, glad how they made it easier for the power cables/wires to plug in easier on this RD version.

Beam sabre

Buster Launcher, although the RD version buster launcher is smaller, it now has better detailing and features a more fitting gun metal paint finish.

Lgaim and Lgaim mk2 Buster launchers

Mk2's Landbooster mode, The mk2 can transform into its landbooster mode, and the hinges on the mk2's shoulder armor serves as a handle for other heavy metals to latch and hold onto, just like a regular landbooster/jetpack.

I didn't notice it during the photoshoot, but after playing with it a bit more, I discovered that the nose cone can still be extended for a more sleeker look, as well as the head being stored more snuggly under the nose cone on landbooster mode.

Finally, a group shot of the Super Robot Wars EX real robot aces. I think I only need a decent rendition of the Nu Gundam and the Aura Battler's Dunbine and Billbine and I pretty much think the group is complete. During the older renditions of the SRW games, there were only a few Real robot licenses available back then, evangelion was non existent, dragonar wasn't even licensed yet, nor was macross, nadesico, Full metal Panic etc. Anyways, to make a long story short there were only 3 licensed real robot shows incorporated into the SRW games, Gundam, Aura Battler Dunbine and Heavy Metal L-gaim. No matter how strong the attacks of your Super Robot troops were, they were a pain to use during annihilation of the enemy cannon fodder phase of the game, thats when you have to rely heavily on your Real Robot aces. These guys can deal damage comparable to super robots but at the same time actually hit their targets as well as evade the enemies attacks, without using SP/Magic. Sometimes I kind of think they were much more important to the game, but was easily neglected, and relegated to the background because of their Real Robot status. Still, for me, I think they were the ace fighters from the game along with other SRW OG mechs like Cybaster, and have always wanted decent renditions of them in toy form. I Hope Dunbine and Billbine is next in line.

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