Figma Kid Icarus "PIT"
I've been a fan of Kid Icarus eversince I first played the game on Nintendo Famicom's Disk System way back in its glory days.. but I am really stoked to finally get a figure of Pit.
It's been a long time coming, and to know that it's a Max Factory Figma release makes it all the more perfect for me. The articulation on the wings are simple but does not ruin the sculpt and is very well made to execute those dramatic wing poses.
Of the past Nintendo Figma releases I think Pit has the most generous array of accessories. He also comes with an extra monoeye monster that has a nifty action feature, his eyes swing from side to side when you move the center tentacle under his eye. The monster comes with his own corresponding stand to accommodate his flying effect from the game.
Pit's bow can be seperated and has an extra handle so that Pit can use em' as dual daggers.
The set also comes with two exclusive Nintendo 3DS Kid Icarus Uprising AR (altered reality) cards. (To be used with the 3DS Kid Icarus game)
Monoeye with his AR counterpart
Pit with his AR Injured counterpart
Nintendo Power